Sunday, October 26, 2008


I grew up seeing pictures of trees turning red, orange, and yellow. I have always associated fall with briskness in the air, pumpkin pie spices, and awaiting Advent. On this last week of October, I am struck with the beauty that 60% of the trees around Puyallup are deciduous. On the exit that I take to get off the freeway coming home from work, every-other tree is an evergreen and so there is yellow-green striping lining the off-ramp for 1/4 mile.

Today, I took the long way to get to our nearest Trader Joe's (17 miles away). With it, I took a 2-lane avenue that was covered with yellow leaves on the ground and yellow leaves on the trees lining it. I thought to myself, "I don't ever want Fall to end! These colors are amazing!" And then I realized something...this was the first time in over 10 months that I actually enjoyed driving. Since the accident that I was in in Chicago last January, I have seen driving in the car as something to be avoided if at all possible. Today was the first day I saw beauty in it.

So, I think I do want seasons to change. Some seasons in our life have been much harder than others, but I am learning that seasons change and that there is beauty in ones to come, as there is in the one we are living in. My reflections today lead me to be mindful of having a grateful heart about the things that God has put into my life for this season. I am grateful to be in Puyallup for this year. I am grateful to be an image of God's compassion, love, and healing in so many vet's and active-duty soldier's lives. I am grateful to be coming up on 3 1/2 years of marriage to a psychologically stable, healthy, joyful, strong, wise, and gentle husband. I am grateful.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

there and back again

We spent the past 2 weekends with our families at Whidbey Island in WA then in LA, respectively. The dissertation is defended and now we are settling back into our cozy home in Puyallup.
And, yes...that is the coyote that wakes us up in the morning with its barks. Puyallup is definitely not Orange County. :)